Sunday 26 September 2010


My name is Sorrel Lawrence, I am 16years old and have recently moved to Norwich and CNS, I used to go to old Buckenham high school. In my GCSE’s I got a C in maths, English language, drama, art, I got a B in English literature. And I got D in science and P.E. My hobbies are singing dancing and acting.

My interests in media would be advertisement and the film industry. I quite often read 'the times' and the ‘edp’ sometimes because my dad gets them and so I often just flick though and read the stories that interest me. I also occasionally read ‘look’ magazine because I like the fashion in it but apart from them I don’t read much other print media. I listen to radio four sometimes for the news and some of the programs, my parents listen to it so it’s just always on and I often dip in and out of it. I have a very collective music taste and listen to everything and anything. Unfortunately I don’t belong to a band at the moment but I would like to and if I did I would be the singer.
I get my music from wherever I can and I think that illegally downloading music off the internet is fine because not everyone can afford to buy all of their music and some people like me that have such a collective taste in music it’s hard to buy everything I like. It’s also a risk that we take and everyone knows the consequences.
I think that the music and its artists affect how we act and dress as a society because we want to be like them. And we when they wear something we like we copy them because we want to look nice.
I don’t play many video games. I only really play games when I’m at my friends and they’re playing them.
Video games have had an effect on attitudes in society in a negative way depending on what the game is, ‘grand theft auto’ for example is a very violent game and so it influences children and teaches them that killing is a way of having fun. It also has prostitutes in it and you can kill them so the attitude towards women is appalling as well.The way things are settled in video games is often by violence which teaches people that violence is the only way to solve conflict.
Because of the new technology we have now I know a lot more about what going on in the world because I can find out so easily on the internet. It’s also now a lot easier to communicate with people and people from all over the world via phone, facebook, bebo, twitter, formspring, blogs, my space, msn, skype, xbox live ect. Another thing that is easier is accessing films, the music industry, and television, it doesn’t take much effort at all which makes it more appealing.Overall the new technology has made nearly everything so much easier to access. And has dramatically changed how we are as a society.
Channel four, E4, bbc three and all music channels are my favourite channels because they have all the programs I like to watch. I like the genres of comedy and drama because comedy makes me happy and I love finding things funny and I love the anticipation of certain things in the dramas. I consider, Skins, this is England 86, shameless to be memorable because they made me feel touched and I thought they were really believable. In this is England 86’ i was made to feel sick by the rape scenes and I’ve also began looking and people in real life that look like the rapist differently without realising, which I think shows it was a very good and realistic program.
I don’t really have a favourite genre, I love them all. And it really depends which mood I’m in to which programs or films I watch. I prefer to watch films at home or in the cinema. I like odeon because it’s a nicer experience but I prefer vue because it’s nearer and more central in the city and it’s also cheaper. I prefer to watch films in a group because I love talking about them after if it’s a comedy because I find it funnier laughing with my friends.
I haven’t ever been offended by any media texts because I’m not the kind of person who would. But I do find film with racism to be out of order however, because they are mainly against racism it isn’t really very bad. In contrast I thought that the film ‘fight club’ was a very interesting and exciting film and I really enjoyed watching it because it was so clever. I have an interest in documentaries and any documentary about 3rd world countries or about children with disabilities always changes my attitude towards my life style and makes me feel guilty about the little things I take for granted.
I’ve chosen media because I am interested in the film industry and advertisement. Ever since I was young I’ve always loved the adverts and used to turn them up when they came up in the middle of a film.

1 comment:

  1. Sorrel you were meant to write this as an essay and not in note form. Also you've left our your GCSE grades which I must have and not attempted to engage with the conclusion. Could you please complete all sections without delay. If you have problems email me for support.

    You must also use capital letters accurately - this is expected at A Level.
