Wednesday 15 December 2010

essex boys.

This photo looks almost like a horror scene or a secret laree because it has the huge dusty cobwebs, everything is dusty and old looking. There is no natural lighting, the only light is from a street light and a dull light hanging over the car. The garage looks very run down and this signifies that character wont be very wealthy or classy.

This is when we are first introduced to Jason, who is the bad guy, we know this straight away because he looks like a thug and there is a lot of dirt on the screen which symbolises that so is he. The camera angle is at a slight tilt and there is only one light is visible behind him. His shirt is the only real colour in this shot and because it is gold this connotes higher status/ a mob look.

This shot shows them driving into a tunnel, the tunnel goes into a vanishing point with connotes the unknown and a point of no return for Billy who doesn’t really know what he has got himself into by getting involved with Jason and the ‘gangs’. Looking down the tunnel is also like looking down the barrel of a gun with is like looking death in the eye.

This shot of them in the car with the light reflection on the window looks like bars symbolising a prison and that Billy is stuck with no way out. His facial expression also shows that he is a bit scared, this creates sympathy for him. In the back ground we can only just make out Jason and the way he is sitting shows us that he is a cocky character and that he is relaxed doing what he is doing or about to do.
This shot is of Jason beating up a guy at a fish place, from this we can tell that the victim has done something wrong in the past and that Jason is getting his revenge. Also there is a lot of on lookers in the shot which shows that Jason doesn’t care about witnesses and that he is fearless and used to being violent. The setting is not a very glamorous place and is a factory so this again shows that status class.

The shot where that kidnapped has just been released onto the marshes again has a vanishing point and the colour of the mise-en-scene are all greys, dirty greens and black on the mans suit this signifies that nothing good will come to the man now as he has been left. Also there is nothing else in the shot apart from him and the marshland this connotes the feeling of being alone and lost.
The lion in this shot symbolises Jason because they are both gold and Jason probably thinks of himself as brave and scary like a lion. Jason is stood very bold like and looking at the lion as if he knows it and like it means something to him. Jason shirt is a very loud colour and design showing that he regards himself highly as do lions.

floor plan and story board.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

cosmetics add

Cosmetics advert analysis and evaluation.

In my cosmetics advert I have used a slightly low angle, close up shot of  the model.  This connotes importance.  His head is the main image in the shot and  this ensures that the audience looks at the man and knows he is the focal point.

The lighting is low key and it just lights up the model, making the bricks darker and so focusing on him.  The image is all black and white apart from the bottle logo.  The bricks in the background and the man’s checked shirt show him to be quite ordinary and casual but because he is doing up his top button and looking out of the shot it seems he is looking on to higher things and that he will make something better out of life.

The text “Aphorism” and tag “say it like it is” going down and across the image makes a box like the brick and because he is looking through all this we see he is focusing outside the box again aspiring to be better.

‘Aphorism’ means; a terse saying embodying a general truth, or astute observation. I chose this to be the name because the man looks like he would say it like it is and the word aphorism itself sounds manly and catchy.
The narrative of the advert is a casual man becoming more and aiming higher in life. The model has stubble which again shows his casualness.  To show this I had him looking out of the shot to connote the unknown future, his facial expression is quite blank and because he is doing up his buttons it looks as if he is preparing for something.  My model represents aiming higher and moving forward in life.

I used Photoshop to construct my advert I used this to put it in black and white and to organise the page, however I couldn’t work out how to pick out the model and keep him in colour which was my original idea so I had to settle for all black and white. I feel that the availability of new technologies change our perception of media texts because nothings seems as amazing because we can now do it at home and understand the dynamics of how to get the end results.

There are diagonals in my advert which lead to the perfume bottle making it stand out more, for example the direction of his shirt and chin lead to the bottle and the name and the tag line frame the bottle.

My target audience are young men aspiring to be more.  So the advertisement is aimed to appeal to ‘aspirers’.  My model is a 19year old man who has a casual dress sense, his clothes and the fact he has a slight beard represent his beliefs and the kind of music he listens to  which would be indie also we can tell what lifestyle he lives which would be simple and laidback.  My male model is represented by status and shows this by the way he is looking up and seeming of a higher status.