Thursday 20 January 2011

1)     Discuss your thriller in terms of Genre. Is it a genre film? Is it a hybrid genre? Is it sub-hybrid genre?
Our thriller film is a psychological realistic drama with inter-textual links referencing the films seven, psycho and this is England. We have our killer being a racist, religious man who’s views are confused by society just like those from This Is England. Our thriller has links to Psycho. Also the opening scene of Seven is highly linked to our piece because it has the person cutting up images which we wish to have in our thriller (stalker).
The audience would enjoy watching the rest of our thriller because it has a great deal of suspense and people would want to know what happens to the killer and his victim, also it has reality so an audience could relate to it. Our main characters are your everyday working class people and because the main guy seems to be decent the audience would want to make sure he is ok and side with him immediately.
In the thriller we reference the scene in ‘This Is England’ where Combo beats up Milky because we have ‘the father’ beating Caesar and killing him we also have an England flag on the wall of the ’fathers’ room where the candle is blown out. The ‘fathers’ racism eventually over comes the rest of his feeling and so he kills Caesar, just as Combo’s love for Milky is pushed aside by his hatred for coloured people.

2)      What pleasures does your thriller offer your audience?
Our thriller offers a mixture of emotional, genre and psychological pleasures. It has emotional pleasures because it has an innocent man being murdered for his looks, people will feel sympathy for him and therefore become emotionally involved with the film. They will also feel suspense at the murder and fear from the killer. It also meets the expectations of the genre, it includes a dark shabby location the locations contrast because the first seen is a row of houses none looking   high class. It then goes to an isolated woods where the victim is murdered. The murderer also meets the expectations because he is shown to be scary and hard looking. Our thriller also has psychological pleasures.

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