Wednesday 15 December 2010

essex boys.

This photo looks almost like a horror scene or a secret laree because it has the huge dusty cobwebs, everything is dusty and old looking. There is no natural lighting, the only light is from a street light and a dull light hanging over the car. The garage looks very run down and this signifies that character wont be very wealthy or classy.

This is when we are first introduced to Jason, who is the bad guy, we know this straight away because he looks like a thug and there is a lot of dirt on the screen which symbolises that so is he. The camera angle is at a slight tilt and there is only one light is visible behind him. His shirt is the only real colour in this shot and because it is gold this connotes higher status/ a mob look.

This shot shows them driving into a tunnel, the tunnel goes into a vanishing point with connotes the unknown and a point of no return for Billy who doesn’t really know what he has got himself into by getting involved with Jason and the ‘gangs’. Looking down the tunnel is also like looking down the barrel of a gun with is like looking death in the eye.

This shot of them in the car with the light reflection on the window looks like bars symbolising a prison and that Billy is stuck with no way out. His facial expression also shows that he is a bit scared, this creates sympathy for him. In the back ground we can only just make out Jason and the way he is sitting shows us that he is a cocky character and that he is relaxed doing what he is doing or about to do.
This shot is of Jason beating up a guy at a fish place, from this we can tell that the victim has done something wrong in the past and that Jason is getting his revenge. Also there is a lot of on lookers in the shot which shows that Jason doesn’t care about witnesses and that he is fearless and used to being violent. The setting is not a very glamorous place and is a factory so this again shows that status class.

The shot where that kidnapped has just been released onto the marshes again has a vanishing point and the colour of the mise-en-scene are all greys, dirty greens and black on the mans suit this signifies that nothing good will come to the man now as he has been left. Also there is nothing else in the shot apart from him and the marshland this connotes the feeling of being alone and lost.
The lion in this shot symbolises Jason because they are both gold and Jason probably thinks of himself as brave and scary like a lion. Jason is stood very bold like and looking at the lion as if he knows it and like it means something to him. Jason shirt is a very loud colour and design showing that he regards himself highly as do lions.

floor plan and story board.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

cosmetics add

Cosmetics advert analysis and evaluation.

In my cosmetics advert I have used a slightly low angle, close up shot of  the model.  This connotes importance.  His head is the main image in the shot and  this ensures that the audience looks at the man and knows he is the focal point.

The lighting is low key and it just lights up the model, making the bricks darker and so focusing on him.  The image is all black and white apart from the bottle logo.  The bricks in the background and the man’s checked shirt show him to be quite ordinary and casual but because he is doing up his top button and looking out of the shot it seems he is looking on to higher things and that he will make something better out of life.

The text “Aphorism” and tag “say it like it is” going down and across the image makes a box like the brick and because he is looking through all this we see he is focusing outside the box again aspiring to be better.

‘Aphorism’ means; a terse saying embodying a general truth, or astute observation. I chose this to be the name because the man looks like he would say it like it is and the word aphorism itself sounds manly and catchy.
The narrative of the advert is a casual man becoming more and aiming higher in life. The model has stubble which again shows his casualness.  To show this I had him looking out of the shot to connote the unknown future, his facial expression is quite blank and because he is doing up his buttons it looks as if he is preparing for something.  My model represents aiming higher and moving forward in life.

I used Photoshop to construct my advert I used this to put it in black and white and to organise the page, however I couldn’t work out how to pick out the model and keep him in colour which was my original idea so I had to settle for all black and white. I feel that the availability of new technologies change our perception of media texts because nothings seems as amazing because we can now do it at home and understand the dynamics of how to get the end results.

There are diagonals in my advert which lead to the perfume bottle making it stand out more, for example the direction of his shirt and chin lead to the bottle and the name and the tag line frame the bottle.

My target audience are young men aspiring to be more.  So the advertisement is aimed to appeal to ‘aspirers’.  My model is a 19year old man who has a casual dress sense, his clothes and the fact he has a slight beard represent his beliefs and the kind of music he listens to  which would be indie also we can tell what lifestyle he lives which would be simple and laidback.  My male model is represented by status and shows this by the way he is looking up and seeming of a higher status.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Thriller idea-Story board.

Man walks in front of car but doesn’t get hit, creating suspense
(just see his legs silhouetted by the car headlights then a close up shot of his face)


He then walks down a woodland path/alley way.
(cantered shot) 

See him meet a ‘mysterious stranger’ and exchanges a parcel to them.
(Cant see the stranger face, over the shoulder shots)

Then the man is taken away by the stranger and gun shots are heard.
Ladies footsteps are heard walking away from the outline of a body in the leaves.
(camera is on the heels only)

Sunday 10 October 2010

Kill bill 2 and once upon a time in america.

Kill bill 2 clip

In kill bill 2 Tarantino challenges the typical genre conventions of a thriller by having the main and strongest character a girl who is seeking revenge, usually in the genre the girl is a typical beautiful, manipulative woman who relies on the men and often meets a sticky end. The bride is still a femme fatal but she survives and she is the one solving the problems and killing people, the bride is the one with the power.
In this scene of ‘kill bill part two’ Tarantino uses head lights in the dark which is a key feature of a thriller.
He also uses dark lighting and dull colours to portray the darkness of the evil characters. Another kind of lighting he uses is chiaroscuro lighting which connotes threat, unreality/ nightmare. The moon in this clip gives it a gothic feel.

Tarantino uses a bird eye shot of the bad guy which makes him look small and unimportant, panning and establishing shots are used to show the location of the characters and this also establishes the setting, Tarantino has used an isolated location, giving a feeling of disorientation and loss, the bad guy in this clip lives in a trailer, so he is seen to be ‘trailer trash’. The use of enclosed spaces gives this scene a very claustrophobic feel, which connotes being trapped. The location of the trailer is quite extreme showing that these are no ordinary people. There is a big use of zoom and close up shots which show the expression and emotion on the characters faces so we can see their reactions to situations.

This clip doesn’t contain much dialogue from the characters there is however diagetic sound for example when the mud is falling on the coffin, this adds realism and brings the audience into the action.
The soundtrack from this clip references ‘the good the bad and the ugly’ because the same track is used this awards the bride with a similar status to Blondie, this reference not only indicates Tarantino’s respect for Leonie but also is an ironic comment on the bads and uglies who try to defeat the bride in kill bill. The reference also reflects the changing attitudes to women over the last 40+ years. The bride has the role that is traditionally male in action thrillers. The bride in kill bill is development of the Buffy role (Buffy the vampire slayer).

Once upon a time in America:
Sergoi leoni, in once upon a time in America utilises aspects of the thriller genre.
The music in the movie has a very melancholy feel to it.
Opening scene:
The establishing signifiers are aural ( non diegetic sound). At the beginning of the film its black and all your hear is the song ‘god bless America’ which is almost the complete oposite because in the film bad things happen in America. Another thing you hear is eve’s footsteps and the door opening which anticipates eve’s entrance.
When eve enters the room there is noir lighting with a small glimpse of pearls indicating eve being a femme fatale we also know she is the femme fatale because she is living with noodle but not married to him. There is a use of close ups in the beginning scene and low key lighting.
Just three minutes into the film there is a murder which shows this is going to be a typical thriller.
In a way the lamp in this scene is symbolising eve because it’s the same colour as her clothes its also a very glamorous lamp just as eve is a glamorous person also when eve is shot the lamp is turned off symbolising her death. 

The police come in and shoot eve they are very brutal and it’s hard to tell they’re the police so this tells us that the police and the mob are almost the same.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

this is a typical example of film noir and shows the real melodrama of the chase.

Sunday 26 September 2010


My name is Sorrel Lawrence, I am 16years old and have recently moved to Norwich and CNS, I used to go to old Buckenham high school. In my GCSE’s I got a C in maths, English language, drama, art, I got a B in English literature. And I got D in science and P.E. My hobbies are singing dancing and acting.

My interests in media would be advertisement and the film industry. I quite often read 'the times' and the ‘edp’ sometimes because my dad gets them and so I often just flick though and read the stories that interest me. I also occasionally read ‘look’ magazine because I like the fashion in it but apart from them I don’t read much other print media. I listen to radio four sometimes for the news and some of the programs, my parents listen to it so it’s just always on and I often dip in and out of it. I have a very collective music taste and listen to everything and anything. Unfortunately I don’t belong to a band at the moment but I would like to and if I did I would be the singer.
I get my music from wherever I can and I think that illegally downloading music off the internet is fine because not everyone can afford to buy all of their music and some people like me that have such a collective taste in music it’s hard to buy everything I like. It’s also a risk that we take and everyone knows the consequences.
I think that the music and its artists affect how we act and dress as a society because we want to be like them. And we when they wear something we like we copy them because we want to look nice.
I don’t play many video games. I only really play games when I’m at my friends and they’re playing them.
Video games have had an effect on attitudes in society in a negative way depending on what the game is, ‘grand theft auto’ for example is a very violent game and so it influences children and teaches them that killing is a way of having fun. It also has prostitutes in it and you can kill them so the attitude towards women is appalling as well.The way things are settled in video games is often by violence which teaches people that violence is the only way to solve conflict.
Because of the new technology we have now I know a lot more about what going on in the world because I can find out so easily on the internet. It’s also now a lot easier to communicate with people and people from all over the world via phone, facebook, bebo, twitter, formspring, blogs, my space, msn, skype, xbox live ect. Another thing that is easier is accessing films, the music industry, and television, it doesn’t take much effort at all which makes it more appealing.Overall the new technology has made nearly everything so much easier to access. And has dramatically changed how we are as a society.
Channel four, E4, bbc three and all music channels are my favourite channels because they have all the programs I like to watch. I like the genres of comedy and drama because comedy makes me happy and I love finding things funny and I love the anticipation of certain things in the dramas. I consider, Skins, this is England 86, shameless to be memorable because they made me feel touched and I thought they were really believable. In this is England 86’ i was made to feel sick by the rape scenes and I’ve also began looking and people in real life that look like the rapist differently without realising, which I think shows it was a very good and realistic program.
I don’t really have a favourite genre, I love them all. And it really depends which mood I’m in to which programs or films I watch. I prefer to watch films at home or in the cinema. I like odeon because it’s a nicer experience but I prefer vue because it’s nearer and more central in the city and it’s also cheaper. I prefer to watch films in a group because I love talking about them after if it’s a comedy because I find it funnier laughing with my friends.
I haven’t ever been offended by any media texts because I’m not the kind of person who would. But I do find film with racism to be out of order however, because they are mainly against racism it isn’t really very bad. In contrast I thought that the film ‘fight club’ was a very interesting and exciting film and I really enjoyed watching it because it was so clever. I have an interest in documentaries and any documentary about 3rd world countries or about children with disabilities always changes my attitude towards my life style and makes me feel guilty about the little things I take for granted.
I’ve chosen media because I am interested in the film industry and advertisement. Ever since I was young I’ve always loved the adverts and used to turn them up when they came up in the middle of a film.

Thursday 16 September 2010

What is a Femme Fatale?
a femme fatale is a woman who uses her femininity to seduce men and make them do what she wants, which often gets them into dangerous  situations. she is seen to be a 'deadly woman' and often is portrayed as an enchantress, vampire, female monster or demon.
the femme fatale with seduce her victims by using her beauty charm and sexual allure.
femme fatales are typically villainous and is a symbol of lust with goddess like qualities.
examples of femme fatales would be, Jessica rabbit from who framed Rodger rabbit, cat woman and poison ivy from the batman series and a more recent one would be Effy from the teen drama skins.
also in the board game cluedo Miss Scarlet occupies the role of femme fatale.