Wednesday 13 July 2011

Kamilla Lovett
'Sweet possibility'

I chose this artist because it is the style of music i enjoy listening to, i also feel that she has great talent.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Evaluation question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
I have progressed a great amount since September and now know a lot more about creating a short film. Our preliminary task was very simple, using basic techniques compared to my final cut of ‘Caesar’ where I have used more complicated techniques and technologies.
I have learnt the importance of research to help develop my knowledge and understanding of the genre and other aspects such as the best camera angles to use in a thriller, like plenty of close up shots to show emotion and cantered shots to create uncertainty. I also learnt the importance of lighting to create different moods and also shots that are too dark don’t work.
Planning is a skill that I have gained and how important it is to plan each section, so you get a beter understanding of the shot, characters, location etc.
editing was a very big aspect of skills I’ve gained because to create ‘Caesar’ and to make it a god thriller I had to be able to edit to the best of my ability. I learnt a great deal more about  editing whilst I was editing ‘Caesar’. In September I had no idea where to start or how to edit in the slightest, I can now include titles which make the film personal and gives it more film like qualities. I also learnt how to add music to my thriller which helps create suspense, again adding to the quality of the film.
I used a lot if cross dissolving in my thriller, this helped me get the flashbacks that Brutus was having to be clearer to the audience. I used repetition of Brutus slamming the door in Caesars face to show that Brutus never let Caesar in and was always content in shutting him out if his life.

Evaluation question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of constructing ‘Caesar’ I have learnt how to use many new technologies such as blogger, I have developed my skills of being able to keep a blog and can now upload images and videos from the web or home. I also learnt about the 180 degree rule, this is very important when filming because if it is not used the filming could confuse the audience and fail to make sense. Another skill I’ve obtained is editing my thriller, at first I found this very difficult but once i understood the basics everything else came easily. I learn how to cross dissolve to make a better looking transaction between clips, I learnt how to speed up and slow down clips, I only used slowing down but this worked well and added tension to the slowed down  scenes for example when Brutus is seen stabbing the knife. I can also reverse clips like the candle at the end of my opening is backwards so it sparks back into flames, this was used to connote Caesar coming back to life. I learnt the importance if practising shots with still and moving camera shots so that the final cut and final images were as good as they could have been, this meant  we had to shoot each scene several times and them pick out what we individually felt worked best.

Evaluation question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for ‘Caesar’ would be a range from 18-25 demographic. Older and younger audiences may also enjoy my thriller but the target audience is 18-25’s who enjoy gritty thrillers. The younger audience will be enticed by Helen and Caesar and they would be drawn to Caesars kindness, wanting to see how he gets his revenge on Brutus. Middle aged fathers of young girls could relate in some way to Brutus because he is worried about his daughter and protective of her, it is often the case that fathers are protective of their daughters. The audience however would not be able to relate to Brutus’s form of protection, murder, this isolates Brutus and makes his character seem alienated from the audience. Young girls could also sympathise with Helen because there are plenty of girls with protective fathers trying to keep them safe but not necessarily going to right way about it.
The location of a rundown council estate in England means many people would be able to relate to this, especially working class families, which is what the family in ‘Caesar’ is, creating another link between ‘Caesar’ and the audience.
The audience that would watch my thriller might also enjoy watching other thrillers like ‘Seven’ or ‘Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ And other non thriller films such as ‘This Is England’ or ‘Essex Boys’ for gritty reality.

Evaluation question 3

If my thriller ‘Caesar’ was made into a full length feature film I would be a low budget, indie film so institutions like warp or working title would be most interested in distributing  my thriller.
Mainstream cinema’s like Vue or Odeon would steer clear of ‘Caesar’ because it is indie, low budget so no guaranteed profit, also ‘Caesar’ could be criticised because it challenges the conventions of a typical thriller, some audiences could feel insulted by the characters, for example ‘Brutus’ is an ex army man and he is the murderer, people who themselves were in the army could be offended by this. ‘Caesar’ would be shown in cinemas like cinema city because they specialise in Arty, Indie films.
Because of ‘Caesar’s’ low budget it is likely to be distributed on the internet using  sites like YouTube and Blogger to promote my film. My opening scene could also be entered into short film competitions.
Another possibility is that ‘Caesar’ could be released straight to DVD this would be a cheaper easier way of marketing ‘Caesar’ although because audience would be very niche the DVD would have to be well advertised. Because of ‘Caesars’ niche audience working title would be less inclined to fund the film.
‘Caesar’ has similarities to ‘ This Is England’ because they both include gritty, racist and realistic aspects, this could mean that the distributers of ‘This Is England’ could be interested in ‘Caesar, for example film four could be interested in investing.