Thursday 14 April 2011

Evaluation question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for ‘Caesar’ would be a range from 18-25 demographic. Older and younger audiences may also enjoy my thriller but the target audience is 18-25’s who enjoy gritty thrillers. The younger audience will be enticed by Helen and Caesar and they would be drawn to Caesars kindness, wanting to see how he gets his revenge on Brutus. Middle aged fathers of young girls could relate in some way to Brutus because he is worried about his daughter and protective of her, it is often the case that fathers are protective of their daughters. The audience however would not be able to relate to Brutus’s form of protection, murder, this isolates Brutus and makes his character seem alienated from the audience. Young girls could also sympathise with Helen because there are plenty of girls with protective fathers trying to keep them safe but not necessarily going to right way about it.
The location of a rundown council estate in England means many people would be able to relate to this, especially working class families, which is what the family in ‘Caesar’ is, creating another link between ‘Caesar’ and the audience.
The audience that would watch my thriller might also enjoy watching other thrillers like ‘Seven’ or ‘Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ And other non thriller films such as ‘This Is England’ or ‘Essex Boys’ for gritty reality.

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