Thursday 14 April 2011

Evaluation question 3

If my thriller ‘Caesar’ was made into a full length feature film I would be a low budget, indie film so institutions like warp or working title would be most interested in distributing  my thriller.
Mainstream cinema’s like Vue or Odeon would steer clear of ‘Caesar’ because it is indie, low budget so no guaranteed profit, also ‘Caesar’ could be criticised because it challenges the conventions of a typical thriller, some audiences could feel insulted by the characters, for example ‘Brutus’ is an ex army man and he is the murderer, people who themselves were in the army could be offended by this. ‘Caesar’ would be shown in cinemas like cinema city because they specialise in Arty, Indie films.
Because of ‘Caesar’s’ low budget it is likely to be distributed on the internet using  sites like YouTube and Blogger to promote my film. My opening scene could also be entered into short film competitions.
Another possibility is that ‘Caesar’ could be released straight to DVD this would be a cheaper easier way of marketing ‘Caesar’ although because audience would be very niche the DVD would have to be well advertised. Because of ‘Caesars’ niche audience working title would be less inclined to fund the film.
‘Caesar’ has similarities to ‘ This Is England’ because they both include gritty, racist and realistic aspects, this could mean that the distributers of ‘This Is England’ could be interested in ‘Caesar, for example film four could be interested in investing.

1 comment:

  1. A competent response and you've appropriately identified institutions who would consider funding your film. Well done for identifying aspects of the film which may upset Daily Mail readers or military personnel!

    You needed to develop your discussion re internet outlets.
