Thursday 14 April 2011

Evaluation question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of constructing ‘Caesar’ I have learnt how to use many new technologies such as blogger, I have developed my skills of being able to keep a blog and can now upload images and videos from the web or home. I also learnt about the 180 degree rule, this is very important when filming because if it is not used the filming could confuse the audience and fail to make sense. Another skill I’ve obtained is editing my thriller, at first I found this very difficult but once i understood the basics everything else came easily. I learn how to cross dissolve to make a better looking transaction between clips, I learnt how to speed up and slow down clips, I only used slowing down but this worked well and added tension to the slowed down  scenes for example when Brutus is seen stabbing the knife. I can also reverse clips like the candle at the end of my opening is backwards so it sparks back into flames, this was used to connote Caesar coming back to life. I learnt the importance if practising shots with still and moving camera shots so that the final cut and final images were as good as they could have been, this meant  we had to shoot each scene several times and them pick out what we individually felt worked best.

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